Can I apply for Direct Entry into Level 3?


Similar to the Direct Entry process for Level 2; but more comprehensive.

Total logged industrial rope access hours shall exceed 2500.

Acceptable hours are those where the applicant has been involved in industrial rope access work using a double rope system comparable to the IRATA system of work.

Acceptable hours may include: working from double ropes, working from double aid climb, rigging double rope systems, inspecting rope access equipment, training people in the use of an industrial double rope access systems.

Hours that are normally unacceptable include: both professional and sporting caving, climbing, mountaineering, canyoning; professional and voluntary rescue services including mountain rescue, emergency services, international rescue organisations; military training; other categories of work at height including, fall arrest, cradles, scaffold, work restraint, single rope systems, tree work, training other forms of work at height.

Where an applicant does not conform to the above criteria of acceptable logged hours approval should be sought from the verifier prior to any training or assessment taking place. The verifier will need to see all available work experience documentation. He should consult with a second verifier and the Training Committee Chairman before reaching a decision. The increased verifier fee (~100 pounds) will normally be charged in these cases.

Industrial rope access experience shall have been gained over a period exceeding 24 months. This should consist of a regular working pattern during this time period. It is not acceptable to claim a few intense working periods with long dormant periods in between. Where this is the case a longer period of experience is required.

Whilst it is not necessary to have previous supervisory experience, a direct entry Level 3 shall provide two references from present or previous employers recommending his/her ability as a work team supervisor.

Documentation required to support a direct entry application. 

All documentation shall be provided in English or with written English translation.

Direct entry applicants shall provide suitable and sufficient documented evidence to support their application. Where possible this should be supplied in electronic format. The following list details the minimum requirement:

  • Work at height CV
  • Previous Work Log
  • References
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Employing company details
  • First aid certificate (level 3 only)
Validation of hours – summary Level 2 Level 3
Previous work log hours 1500 2500
Of which references must support 1000 2000
Of which operating procedures must cover 500 1000

Work at height CV 

The applicant shall briefly detail his/her work at height history. This may include background employment history, sporting interests (caving/climbing etc), military training and any other aspect the candidate thinks is relevant.

Previous Work Log 

This should be submitted in Microsoft Word/Excel or hand drawn format so that the boxes may be expanded to allow room for more detail [example Appendix 1]


This shall contain individual days of work or consecutive days, without breaks, of work periods. This shall clearly demonstrate to the verifier the number of hours per day being claimed. Entries such as –June 150 hours-will not be considered appropriate.


Give details of the geographical location of the work site including country.

Type of site 

Briefly describe the site i.e. residential 1960’s tower block, oil tanker at sea, un-manned offshore platform, football stadium under construction, concrete water tower etc


Approximate maximum height worked at, given in metres.


Describe your working role i.e. Supervisor, technician, trainer etc

Access method 

Describe the technical method of access, for example; double rope abseil, aid climb on wire strops, retractable fall arrest, work restraint latchway etc. Reference shall also be made to standard operating procedure as detailed separately.


Give details of the type of work i.e. ultra-sonic inspection to riser pipe welds, painting roof truss, removing loose concrete, re-instate mastic, installing rock fall defence mesh, cleaning windows, training fall arrest course etc

Employing company 

Give full contact details of employing company including a web site address. Where the employing company maybe unknown to either the training company and/or the verifier details of the company’s core business and how rope access is used within that business shall also be explained. This should be provided on a separate sheet of paper.


Hours shall be given for each individual date or run of unbroken dates as indicated in the first column. Hours shall reflect only those hours spent directly involved in rope access duties, i.e. working on ropes, rigging, inspecting, training others etc. They shall not include total hours on site or total hours paid. It is generally accepted within the IRATA system that hours on rope will not exceed two thirds to three quarters of the hours spent on site, often less.


Ideally hours should be validated by an IRATA level 3. Where this is not possible the name of the supervisor or manager should be given, including his/her position in the company and contact details. This person may be contacted by the training company or verifier.


The applicant shall provide work at height references from present and/or previous employers. The references shall give details of the time period engaged in work at height, validation of any rope hours, details of the rope access system of work (confirming double rope system for example), contact details and position in company of signatory.

The applicant shall provide references confirming 1000 hours for level 2 and 2000 hours for level 3. This recognises the difficulty candidates may have in obtaining references for the whole 1500 (level 2) or 2500 (level 3) hours required in total.

A direct entry level 3 shall provide, as part of his/her other references, two statements recommending him/her for a work team supervisory position.

Standard Operating Procedures 

The applicant shall provide evidence of working with a double rope system (double aid climbing system included) comparable to the IRATA system of work. This detailed evidence shall be supplied for a minimum of 500 hours at level 2, and 1000 hours at level 3. One of the two following methods shall be considered suitable evidence;

1. Relevant sections of Company Operating Procedures may be presented provided they are clearly authorised by the company and the company is one of those supplying a reference.

2. Where this is not possible a self certified Standard Operating Procedure may be used. The applicant shall describe, in his own words, the operating procedures used in relation to the references detailed in the section above. The technical work method (may include risk assessment and method statement if available), equipment used, team structure, inspection regime, any prior training and rescue provision should all be described. The document shall be signed by the applicant as a true reflection of the working procedure. Photographs showing work method should be included if available.

Employing Company details 

Where the employing company is unknown to the training company and/or the verifier the applicant shall supply further details. This shall include full contact details, including company web site and/or company brochure. Details of the company’s core business and how rope access is used within that business should also be explained. This information is essential to provide the verifier with an overview of the candidate’s work experience.

Training and Assessment. 

Direct entry training, as with all other IRATA training, shall only be undertaken by full or probationary training member companies (See General Requirements 8.1, 9.1 & 9.7.10)

The applicant shall be sponsored by a full or probationary IRATA member company who shall assume overall responsibility for the direct entry candidate. In the absence of any other specified sponsor, this responsibility shall be assumed by the training company.

The training company shall be responsible for checking that the applicant complies with the direct entry requirements and can provide all necessary documentation of previous experience to support the application. If there is any doubt as to the candidates eligibility then an IRATA verifier should be contacted for advice and possible pre-vetting.

Language issues shall be addressed when designing training programmes. Where necessary this shall include providing an interpreter for the delivery of training, and written translations of technical (training) manuals, assessment questions and other relevant documents

It is essential that an experienced trainer, preferably a level 3T, delivers direct entry training. For the avoidance of doubt, this shall be the trainer who delivers (hands on) the training for the duration of the course.

The candidate shall complete sufficient training to include all aspects of the syllabus relevant to the level to which he/she shall be assessed. (Refer to General Requirements). Where there are language issues, large candidate numbers, varied candidate levels or limitations of the venue then increased training and assessment times must be considered. Minimum training times Training Assessment
Level 2 4 days 2 days
Level 3 4 days 2 days

If your application is unsuccessful then you will need to complete your Level 1, wait 12 months and log 1000 hours before you can sit your Level 2 as per the IRATA entry procedure.

If the verification processes is successful and approved by the independent verifier – you are all set to go for your Direct Entry into Level 2.

It is 5th Points training policy that all approved Direct Entries undertake 8 days of training and two independent assessments.

This is effectively the equivalent of two courses; allowing you, as the candidate, to ensure that you are up to standards that IRATA have founded their world wide reputation on – training and application the safest methods of rope access.

As a training company, we maintain the expectations for all Level 3 Direct Entries: that any method/technique your IRATA Instructor asks you to do that is expected of a Level 1 / Level 2, you will be able to do without correction.

By undertaking 8 days of training and two independent assessments you will be able to ensure that you have consolidated your knowledge of Level 2 rope access techniques, and up-skilled to the requirements and techniques expected of a Level 3 rope access technician.

Courses with 5th Point in Australia cost $1,760.00 AUD. This is for four days training and one day assessment.

Approved Direct Entry in Australia costs $3,240.00 AUD. This is for 8 days of training, and two assessments.

All course fees must be paid in full before the first day of your course. For direct entry, it is possible to pay in two instalments of $1,760.00 and $1,480.00 respectively.

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