Can I apply for Direct Entry into Level 2?


This process is a lengthy one, and requires substantial paperwork.

Level 2 Direct Entry:

The run down is that we need a detailed CV of all rope access work, a log book with all hours signed off and details including date, location, type of site, height, working role, access method, and type of work listed, as well as the employing company, total hours worked and validation of those hours through either a supervisor/level 3/job manager/company owners signature and/or statement/ that hours completed are accurate as per the job. Verification can be achieved through signatures  and/or statements from the manager/supervisor who was on-site during the logged hours.

We also require any certificates/qualifications (expired Level 1, confined space, working at height, ARAA qualification etc.) as well as all relevant course & training syllabuses.

A total of 1500 hours of logged rope access experience are required; however 500 of those need to be need to be with a company with documented operating procedures and policies. These hours are different from the 1000 hours required of referenced work experience.

Please be aware that hours that are unacceptable include: both professional and sporting caving, climbing, mountaineering, canyoning; professional and voluntary rescue services including mountain rescue, emergency services, international rescue organisations; military training; other categories of work at height including, fall arrest, cradles, scaffold, work restraint, single rope systems, tree work, training other forms of work at height.

This paperwork is then combined, and sent off to an Independent IRATA Verifier. This incurs a 100 pound administration fee that you are liable to pay.

If your application is unsuccessful then you will need to complete your Level 1, wait 12 months and log 1000 hours before you can sit your Level 2 as per the IRATA entry procedure.

If the verification processes is successful and approved by the independent verifier – you are all set to go for your Direct Entry into Level 2.

It is 5th Points training policy that all approved Direct Entries undertake 8 days of training and two independent assessments.

This is effectively the equivalent of two courses; allowing you, as the candidate, to ensure that you are up to standards that IRATA have founded their world wide reputation on – training and application the safest methods of rope access.

As a training company, we maintain the expectations for all Level 2 Direct Entries: that any method/technique your IRATA Instructor asks you to do that is expected of a Level 1, you will be able to do without correction.

By undertaking 8 days of training and two independent assessments you will be able to ensure that you have consolidated your knowledge of Level 1 rope access techniques, and up-skilled to the requirements and techniques expected of a Level 2 rope access technician.

Courses with 5th Point in Australia cost $1,760.00 AUD. This is for four days training and one day assessment.

Approved Direct Entry in Australia costs $3,240.00 AUD. This is for 8 days of training, and two assessments.

All course fees must be paid in full before the first day of your course. For direct entry, it is possible to pay in two instalments of $1,760.00 and $1,480.00 respectively.

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